• Best Beef Jerky Recipe! Posted on October 10, 2017

    Best Beef Jerky Recipe! Beef Jerky can be a great snack. It’s high in protein and it’s easy to grab it and take it along where you need it. And just like many things made from scratch, it’s really not that hard to make your own and skip the high costs and chemicals in the store version.

    My version that follows is made with ground beef. I know you can make jerky out of more expensive cuts of meat but I can’t afford that. Using ground beef also allows this version to be tender and easy to chew. (Unlike some of that jerky that just about pulls your teeth out when you try to take a bite!) Make sure to use the leanest ground beef you can afford (I think we used 93% and still had a small amount of fat, but it’s easily wiped off.)

    Find this recipe here: https://www.littlehouseliving.com/best-beef-jerky-recipe.html

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